
Makes: 100 servings

Prep Time: 1 min

Cook Time: 10-12 minutes

  • 11 L water
  • 1 cup vanilla
  • 1 cup maple syrop, molasses, dark agave nectar, bananas, raisins or apple cider
  • 2 tbsp sea salt (optional)
  • 50 cups rolled oats
 Other Options:
  • 10 cups raisins or chopped apples
  • 8 cups shredded coconut
  • 4 tbsp nutmeg
  • 24-L cooking pot
Bring water to a boil in a large pot. Add remaining ingrediants, return to a boil, then turn to low heat. Stir often. Cook for two to five minutes. Remove from heat. You can serve with margarine and sweetener or substitue bananas or apple juice to sweeten the oatmeal.